A Child Support Attorney Can Help With Custody Arrangements and Monthly Payments

A child support attorney helps parents with all aspects of child custody and support. They also prepare child support orders, collect payments, and resolve child support cases in court when necessary. They are experienced in resolving disputes between parents and can assist with matters like child abuse, neglect, and guardianship. The process of filing for child support in Spring Hill […]

Recognizing the Various Factors That Can Affect Spousal Support Following Divorce

Depending on the circumstances of the divorce, there are various factors that can affect spousal support after divorce. Some of these factors are: the earning ability of the spouse, the duration of the marriage, and the demand for alimony. These are some of the most important factors that will impact the amount of spousal support you will receive. Spousal support […]

Hiring a Family Lawyer is The Best Way To Get Divorce

Hiring a good family lawyer is a wise decision, especially when the issue involves a divorce. Family lawyers can help you navigate through the divorce process, draft the necessary paperwork, and protect your interests. They are a trusted source for legal advice and can answer any questions you may have. When a couple decides to get a divorce, they may […]

Understanding How Child Support and Alimony are Imposed

Florida Alimony and Child Support laws were created by the legislature, in response to concerns raised by divorced couples, said a divorce attorney in Odessa, FL. While the state doesn’t want to create a situation where one spouse is left with no financial means to support the other, the legislature has decided that the breadwinner should be responsible for supporting […]

Father’s Rights Attorney – How Can They Help You?

Fathers Rights are a topic that many fathers want to know more information about. With the high rate of fathers living with their children, it is imperative that fathers know their rights. If you have children with special needs, you may be entitled to receive monetary benefits from the government for bringing your children into the world. Contact your local […]